MiniMAC Child Care

Leave Your Kids For A Stress-Free Workout

Are you looking to relax during yoga, start your cardio routine or join personal training? Well, now you can without worrying about what to do with your children. Your kids will have a blast in a fun, interactive environment so you can enjoy your workout! Email us today to learn more about the MiniMac.

You must make a reservation through your Membership Portal under “MiniMAC Classes.” 

MiniMAC Rules

  1. Children 5 and older are required to wear a mask.
  2. Parents must sign in when dropping off a child, and sign them out upon leaving. Every parent’s picture must be in the computer for identification.
  3. To keep the childcare safe for everyone, parents must remain in the club while their children are in the MiniMAC.
    Children in diapers must be in a freshly changed disposable diaper when dropped off. If a child needs to be changed, the parent will be notified by a caregiver.
  4. We would be happy to work with you on potty training. Please take your child to the restroom before leaving them in the MiniMAC and let us know if he or she will need a reminder. Children who are potty training must wear pull-ups.
  5. Snacks are encouraged! For the safety of children with allergies, please do not bring food with nut ingredients. Recommended snacks include graham crackers, goldfish, dry cereal, juice, milk, nut-free granola bars, etc. Please label all food/drink containers.
  6. We keep MiniMAC clean and the toys sanitized to prevent the spread of germs. Please do not bring your child if they are sick, particularly with a very runny nose.
  7. If your child is crying and upset, we will always try to soothe and distract them. However, if your child cries for more than 15 minutes, we will generally ask you to come into the MiniMAC to take over.
  8. We ask that you please observe our 60-minute maximum per day limit. Children 2-11 yrs are welcome at MiniMAC.

Here at the MiniMAC, the safety of your child is our number one concern. 

That’s why all of our staff members are carefully screened to provide the safest possible environment for your child. Any harmful, destructive or aggressive behavior observed by a MiniMAC employee, physically or verbally, will not be tolerated. Should such behavior occur, children will be given a verbal warning followed by a time-out period, for the first three offenses. If the behavior is then repeated, the child will be asked to take a one-day break from the MiniMAC. Subsequent offenses will result in a 7-day, 30-day and finally, a 90-day break. Following the 90-day break, if the child’s behavior has not ceased, the parent/guardian may be asked not to bring the child back permanently. If a MiniMAC staff member witnesses unusually destructive or aggressive behavior, for the safety of the other children, the child will be removed immediately.