Mind and Body Classes
Keep Your Mind Focused and Body Strong
Mind and Body classes use breathing, focus, and simple movements to help increase flexibility, strength, and reduce stress. Exercises like yoga and barre can help decrease pain, discomfort, anxiety, all while enhancing the quality of sleep, strengthen the immune system, and increse sense of control and well-being.
Les Mills BodyBalance
Low Intensity
Ideal for anyone and everyone, LES MILLS BODYBALANCE® is a new-generation yoga class that will improve your mind, your body and your life.
You can expect to bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves, elements of Tai Chi and Pilates while an inspiring soundtrack plays in the background. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises, and instructors will always provide options for those just getting started.

Moderate to Low Intensity
Yoga typically means ‘union’ between the mind and body. It involves the practice of physical postures and poses linked with breathing exercises, relaxation technique, and meditation. As the name suggests, the ultimate aim of Yoga is to create balance between the body and the mind, leading to a healthy and lively lifestyle with a balanced approach to life.
Our yoga classes emphasize the essential yoga principles that help free the body and mind from habitual patterns and tension. Regular yoga practice can lead to increased strength, stress relief, and enhanced self-awareness. We offer Vinyasa, Hatha and Restorative Yoga and these classes are open to all members and all levels of fitness.

Moderate to Low Intensity
This mixed-level, core fusion class focuses on strength, precision and flow of movement. The instructor presents exercises at multiple levels, allowing the student to work at a beginner, intermediate or advanced pace. You will learn to be aware of breathing patterns and spinal alignment while engaging the deep muscles of the core.